For Real – Digital Kit and Journal Cards
Posted on under NEW RELEASES
In these times of go, go, go and “insta everything” life can move pretty fast! Take the time to celebrate your glorious “real life” right now – the ups and downs, the giggles and the tantrums – with my For Real collection. Filled with plenty of journaling space, decorative elements, and story prompts, these cards will help you beautifully capture the whirlwind of your days with ease. Whether you are documenting the crazy things your toddler says while waiting in the school’s carpool lane, your teen’s current favs or even your take on world events, this freshly designed collection will help you capture the good and the bad- the nitty gritty of it all- before it changes once again!

Save 45% when you purchase the bundle HERE.
Please note this exclusive subscriber discount may not be combined
with other discounts or promotions. Offer good thru May 8, 2017.