Scrapbooking Your Christmas Memories & Traditions
Posted on under FREEBIES, Journal Starters
Journal It: Scrapbooking Christmas Memories and Traditions
Christmas is one of the best times of the year. It means more time for: family, holiday baking, crafting, seeing friends, festivities, food, and the excitement of the season. Yet it always seems like the holiday flies by. Before you know it, it’s February and the wonderful memories begin to fade. Scrapbooking is a wonderful way to preserve these memories for seasons to come…and along with a chance to document some of your holiday traditions as well.
Let’s focus on this and think about some your own personal traditions. How we can find a story behind our traditions? Ask yourself: “What is it that our family does every year at Christmas time?” No tradition is too small. It can even be something as simple as watching holiday movies throughout the season, or a more unqiue tradition: like a Christmas dinner of Chinese food. Every family has their own family traditions. Just be sure that you are capturing these special traditions with journaling and photos.
Let’s take a look at a few holiday tradition ideas:
Cutting Down / Getting the Tree
– When do you do this? Is it a particular day each year?
– Where did you get the tree? Do you get it from a tree farm? A tree lot?
– Who picked out the tree?
– What was the weather like that day?
(Photo Ideas: of the tree before, during, and after-when it’s in your home)
Trimming of the Tree
– When do you do this? Is it a particular day each year?
– Who does it the trimming? Does the whole family? Is it one person in particular?
– Is there anything special or a personal memory attached to any of your ornaments? [/color
(Photo Ideas: of the tree in various stages of being decorated, individuals hanging their favorite ornament, putting on the star or angel, don’t forget to pose in front of the tree when it is lit and decorated)
Decorating the House / Decking the Halls
– Do you have a special nativity set?
– Winter town collection?
– How about outdoors, do you light up outside?
– Is there something special or a personal memories attached to any of your ornaments?
(Photo Ideas: your boxes of Christmas decorations, your foyer, staircase, dining room, living room or any other room you’ve spruced up for the holidays. Don’t forget outdoor if you have lights and displays too)
Letters to Santa / Christmas Lists
– Who writes them (child or you)?
– Do they look through catalogs?
(Memorabilia Ideas: make a copy of the letter before you mail them; you can incorporate that into your scrapbook. Also, if Santa leaves the note behind,remember to save that as well)
Christmas Eve
– What do you traditionally do?
– Do you have a special dinner?
– Do you attend church services?
– Do you drive around looking at lights?
(Picture ideas: the family dinner,everyone dressed in their “Sunday best” for services, stockings hung’by the chimney with care’, the cookies and note left for Santa and his reindeer.)
Christmas morning
– What do you traditionally do?
– Do you have a special breakfast or lunch?
– Do you attend church services?
– Do you drive around looking at lights?
(Picture ideas: the kids flying down the stairs, the family meal, everyone dressed in their “Sunday best” for services, stockings hung ‘by the chimney with care’, the cookies and note left for Santa and his reindeer.)
The Tradition of Opening Gifts / Presents
– when do you open your gifts? Christmas Eve? Christmas morning?
– What is the story behind which day you open. Is that what you did as a child?
– What was your child/significant other/your favorite gift
– Make a List: It’s so easy to forget what it was that was gifted and those gift which were received
(Picture ideas: stacked presents, kids ripping of the packaging, the disaster afterward)
(Memorabilia Ideas: Make a List – It’s so easy to forget what it was that was gifted and those gift which were received)
Christmas Card or Newlsetter
– Include a copy of your Christmas card
– Scan in copies of the special cards you receive through-out the holiday
– If you write an annual newsletter with your Christmas card be sure to include it
Other Christmas traditions:
– Sitting on Santa’s Lap (Where did you go? Is it the same each year? What did the kids ask for?
– Driving around to look at Holiday lighting
– Baking cookies (maybe include the family recipe)
– Caroling (include words for a favorite Christmas Carol)
– Group Photos (grandparents with the grandchildren, multiple generation, all the children, the family)
– Hosting a party with friends
– Doing your Holiday Shopping
– Holiday Plays, Concert or Programs
Need a little more inspiration? Here a a couple Christmas word art prompts for you to use:
Christmas Traditions Word Art FREEBIE by Sahlin Studio

December 9, 2013 at 3:05 pm>
Soco says:
What a great post and beautiful freebie! Thank you!!!!
December 9, 2013 at 3:49 pm>
Vivian says:
Thank you for the post and the most generous gift. The word art is beautiful. The post inspiring. I hope you and your family have a most blessed Christmas.
December 9, 2013 at 9:47 pm>
willimena says:
Thankyou for your gorgeous freebie and the ideas.
December 9, 2013 at 9:59 pm>
TiffanyJ says:
Awesome suggestions and word art! Thanks!
December 10, 2013 at 11:18 am>
Anne says:
These are fantastic! Thank you for sharing.
December 10, 2013 at 11:42 am>
kris says:
thank you for the freebie! Can’t wait to use it!
December 10, 2013 at 12:04 pm>
Donna says:
These are great! Thank you sooo much.
December 10, 2013 at 6:43 pm>
DebB says:
Thanks for the prompts and the freebies!
December 10, 2013 at 9:29 pm>
Fonnetta says:
Oh so fun Krista! Thank you so much!
December 13, 2013 at 7:32 am>
Lescreadebea says:
Merci pour ces jolis WA
December 13, 2013 at 10:13 am>
jayleigh says:
Thank you for both sets of Christmas word art freebies! i always enjoy using your designs.
December 13, 2013 at 10:29 am>
lynne says:
Thanks so much!
December 13, 2013 at 5:43 pm>
Tammy says:
Thank you so much!
January 6, 2014 at 11:20 am>
grannymike says:
I love your prompts and your sweet gift. Thank you so much. I am pinning this for next year.
January 6, 2014 at 3:59 pm>
Vianna says:
Thank you for the lovely freebies – they are perfect for me because I mostly scrap 4×6.
January 6, 2014 at 7:47 pm>
Lisa says:
Thank you for blessing us with you wonderful freebies. Could you let me know the name of the cursive font in this freebie? Thanks a bunch.
Blessings, Lisa
January 6, 2014 at 8:54 pm>
PeggyNC says:
Thank you very much for an awesome post on getting our memories out of our heads and onto the digital page!! Also for the great coordinating word art gifts!
January 23, 2014 at 2:57 pm>
bec says:
thank so much!
November 24, 2014 at 5:13 pm>
Lana says:
Thanks, there are some great prompts in your list!
December 2, 2015 at 9:08 pm>
Handmaiden Dotty says:
Never would have thought of doing sets of traditions. Thanks for the great ideas and the freebie with the chart. Blessings!