How To Create a Simple Travel Journal
Posted on under Hybrid Projects, INSPIRATION, Scrapbooking Tutorials, TUTORIALS
Travel Journals are all the rage. But did you know how EASY it is to create a custom travel journal all of your own? Today I will show you how to create a simple and easy travel journal. All it takes is a few digital pattern papers and a few elements to embellish your travel journal. Here are three (3) different Travel Journals I created using with the Simplify Collection.
How to Begin Your Travel Journal
The Journal Cover
Choose a few digital (or paper) pattern papers our of your collection and print out. Then cut them down to the size you want to use and fold it in the middle. I personally used 23 x 21cm (or approx. 9 x 8″) so it works perfectly in a Travelers Planner Book of 11.5 x 21cm. To make my own Journal Cover I use Silhouette Studio. On the left sidebar you can choose the option for a square. Now choose the paper you wanted and drag and drop it in to the rectangle. You can see that the pattern of the paper automatically clipped into the rectangle.
The Inside
Now you can fill it with whatever paper you like. You can use regular copy paper, graph paper, kraft paper or even colored card stock paper as well. I personally used 120g White Paper. Fold the Paper fold it in the middle and put all together in the Cover. Now you are ready for binding. To bind the book together, just staple or sew all pages together. I like to sew the Journal. So I make some holes for the yarn. I used silver metallic yarn and start sewing from the inside of the Journal, go out and at the next hole I sew back inside. You have to do this until you are again at the beginning. Make a knot to hold together everything.
Now you have to cut down the Inserts with a Cutter, so they have the same size like the Cover.
Adding Embellishments to the Cover
Now the fun part… Decorating your Cover. For this print out the PDF of the Elements and cut them out.
Viola!!! Your custom Travel Journal is finished!!
Products Used: Simplify by Sahlin Studio

Custom Travel Journals make the PERFECT gift for a friend.
Travel Journals are SO much fun!! I love to make and use them and they are so easy and fast to create.
Let me know in the Comments below if you make your own Travel Journal and show me how they look like.
See you soon. XO Nikki
Hi, I am Nikki, a german scrapbooker with heart, baking bookworm, civil engineer student, in love with memory keeping and have a lot of fun in life.