Sahlin Studio | Digital Scrapbooking Designs

Happy Holidays – Sahlin family card

I have been relishing in my kiddos and family the past few weeks. Having them at home has been such a delight. We’ve been doing so much baking… cookies, cakes, gingerbread house, caramel puffcorn, toffee bars, strawberry santas, and well alot. I’m sure my waistline will not be thanking me in a few weeks, but my heart is just filled with pure joy. We’ve also been doing crafts, cooking, playing games and enjoying each other… I love the simple joy of just spending time with them.

But that’s made me a terrible blogger over the past few weeks.
Here is the holiday card I sent out this year to family and friends:
(I had to share with all my online friends as well)





  • Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever says:

    A lovely Christmas card and a beautiful family Krista! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    Time passes all to quickly and you are not a bad blogger whatsoever. Just shows that you are doing what is truly important. Making memories with your precious family!

    May you continue to enjoy all the season has to offer and wishing you and yours an incredibly happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

  • Gorgeous family and beautiful card! I think family it's a great reason to be a bad blogger :o)
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a fantastic new year!