Clip-It: Coupons
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There is something really FUN in my shop today! I’ve been wanting to do these for awhile, and decided it was time. Do any of you watch “Extreme Couponing” on TV? This show amazes me. It focuses on extreme couponists who dumpster dive for coupons and literally get hundreds, upon hundreds of dollars of product for little to nothing. I am amazed at their mad couponing skills. I get excited when I have a .50cent off coupon to use, but how in the world do they do this? Well… I digress… the show is fun and worth a watch if you get a chance. I decided to bring the uniqueness of couponing to scrapbooking in these new frame elements, Clip – It: Coupons.
These frames are now available in my store, and you can save 20% on them through Sunday, 2/12/2012.
Clip It – Coupons by Sahlin Studio

Check out these layouts for a little inspiration!
OR feel free to check out the Sahlin Studio gallery.
** FREE KIT with $14 Purchase **
Would you like this fabulous kit?? Spend $14 in the shop, and it’s yours!
On a personal note | We had a wonderful time at Wisconsin Dells last weekend. We sure know how to do winter here in Midwest, and it’s called INDOOR waterslides. HAHA!! Yup, we stayed at a hotel that had 15 indoor waterslides, and it was amazing. My kiddos were in heaven! 🙂 It was a great chance to spend some time together and with my husbands family. A getaway every now and again is good for the soul i think.
Have a great week! And Happy Scrapping!
February 11, 2012 at 11:23 am>
Anon says:
Cute idea for a kit and of course the inspiration is always wonderful
I love your new site design. The Journal starters are wonderful. I always enjoy coming to your site.
February 11, 2012 at 4:13 pm>
Krista says:
Thank you sweetie! That means the world to me. Glad you are enjoying the new website.