JOURNAL IT: That’s my Mom…
Posted on under Journal Starters
That’s My Mom… (or could use: dad, daughter, son, etc)
This sentence alone could be used to inspire a story in SO many ways. It doesn’t have to be a picture of your mom or even a picture of you. Write this phrase down and let it take you somewhere.
How about a photo of your child doing something ordinary? Combine this why a story of YOU. It could be a way for you to tell a story about yourself, perhaps something that you do for or with your child? Maybe it was something your mother use to do with you?
* ASK YOUR CHILD, what are some thing that they think of when they hear, “That’s My Mom…”.
* TRY ADDING the phrase, “That’s My Mom…” on your page. Let it take you in a direction of STORY.
Perhaps even a story about something as a mom you do for your child, or something your mom did for you, or things that your child say they have about you. Something that is exclusively (MOM)
* SOME EXAMPLES: Perhaps you 1) volunteer at your child’s school 2) something that you taught your child 3) do you sing or dance around the house? 4) descriptive words that pop into your child’s head to describe you 5) something your child will remember exclusively about you.
Take the time to ‘think’ about it, just a little more.
Inspired Story:

I was doing a layout with Gabe’s photo… and trying to think of a story I wanted to tell with it. This photo in itself didn’t really have a story. So… thinking of this’s prompt I thought, “PERFECT”. I can tell the story of how I volunteer teaching his computer class at his school. It’s something that I hope will be a great memory of his. And… to be honest, I didn’t really want to use a picture of myself to tell the story. I didn’t want the focus to be on me, but me being his mama and why I love to do it. So I thought it would work perfectly.
As always, I love to see how you were inspired!