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who’s seen Twilight Eclipse??

‘Fess up!! Who went out and saw the new Twilight Eclipse movie that came out today?? ME!! I did!! Yep, I totally blew outta work and went to see it. Although, I suppose that’s OK given I’m sort of my own boss. But I couldn’t wait, I’ve had advanced tickets and was like a kid in a candy store today!!

This movie did not disappoint, WOW!! It was really really good!! And even though I’m a Team Edward fan, after this movie…. whoa baby, I was thinking of switching to Team Jacob. He was so HAWT!! (shhh don’t tell my hubbie) tee hee

So to all you Twi-hard fans yet to see it… Have fun and ENJOY!!

Hmmmmm…. now I’m sort of depressed that we have to way another 1 1/2year before the 1’st installment of the last movie. Sigh. Maybe I should go see eclipse again this weekend.



  • I had tickets for a back to back to back showing last night! I got in line about 9:30 yesterday morning (first in line, whoo hoo!), then saw Twilight @ 7:15, followed by New Moon, then the midnight showing of Eclipse with 5 of my besties. It was Ah-mazing! So good. I'm Team Edward, though, through and through! Ready to see it again already…

  • Rebecca says:

    OOohhh… I am soooo jealous, Krista!!! I so would love to see it, but will likely wait until it's on DVD. 🙁 I watch Twilight and New Moon often. Love them! I'm sure Eclipse is just as good!! I love Edward, but, whoa, yep Jacob is quite hawt too!!!! Love those Twilight men!!!

  • Mom to J & J says:

    Okay, I have seen it twice already. Had sneak peek tickets to a 9 pm show last night and went to the matinee today. tee hee. 100% team Edward but I'm with you Krista, Jacob was pretty yummy!

  • Mom to J & J says:

    Okay, I have seen it twice already. Had sneak peek tickets to a 9 pm show last night and went to the matinee today. tee hee. 100% team Edward but I'm with you Krista, Jacob was pretty yummy!

  • I'm off to see the matinee tomorrow with my oldest son… I'm team Edward!!

  • 雅慧雅慧 says:


  • Buffy0214 says:

    Yep, hubby and I went to see it on Wed, too. It's funny how they have tons of merchandise aimed towards the kids when, really, it's the moms that are hooked. LOL!

    I'm for Team Jacob;)