Sahlin Studio | Digital Scrapbooking Designs

Valentines Day and a little creativeness…

I hope all of you had a wonderful Valentines day with loved ones.

Mine was SO special. Just a really really wonderful time with my family. We were also celebrating that I was able to eat again(normal food that is, after my surgery), and my darling hubbie took me and the kiddos to a really classy restaurant in town I’ve been dying to go to. Oh, it was SO good. And it was just so special! Any time the kids behave well and enjoy themselves and the food makes for extra special memories.

Ooohhh…. and Sophie and I watched a wonderful movie, Pride and Prejudice. Oh my goodness, this movie was SO good. My heart was just aching for Mr Darcy and Miss Lizzy to be together. Have you guys ever seen this movie. My goodness. SO SO good. Run and rent it if you haven’t! I’m listening to songs from the soundtrack on right now and it is SO good (for instrumental)

This weekend I was also in somewhat a creative mood and I was busy…SCRAPPIN’.
Sigh. I love when I get a chance to relax and do that.

Here are a few layouts I’ve done over the past few days:

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Do I have enough layouts!! YAY! Trying to get my 2008 book done. Almost there!



  • What beautiful pages! I am always inspired by your layouts – they are all works of art. So glad to hear that you are feeling better and that you had a good weekend.

  • hun I am always so inspired by your creations. i want to scrap like you when I grow up!

  • Kelly (kkklatt) says:

    Wow-you've been busy in that bed of yours…dreaming up a bunch of awesomeness…I like how you use the word 'goodness' in every blogpost…makes me chuckle!