Sahlin Studio | Digital Scrapbooking Designs

BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So……. GUESS whose moving????? ME!!!!!!!!
Yes. You’ve heard it right. Sahlin Studio is MOVING!!!

In many way I feel like you guys are my extend family. I love seeing your stories through the layouts you create; recognizing faces, seeing family activities, viewing milestones, seeing your everyday come to life in your layouts. I hope you will continue to honor me by allowing me to be a part of that…. It is a bittersweet moment saying goodbye to ScrapMatters… it’s been my digi-home since I’ve started digiscrapping (over 3yrs ago). But I know that its right right thing for me, and it will be nice to have more creative freedom with my shop and design to my hearts content.

NOW ONTO the excitement!!! I don’t know where to start but….. GET READY!!!
There are SO many amazing things coming up!!

And in order to get started, I thought I’d make this a little contest!!
Do you ‘think’ you know where I’m going??? hmmmmmmmm….
Leave a comment here on my blog as to WHERE you think Sahlin Studio is going to call home.
(I will pick one lucky winner to win a $20 Gift Certificate to my shop)

Contest closes on Wednesday, Sept 22 at 12Midnight EST; and I will announce where I am going!

