Sahlin Studio | Digital Scrapbooking Designs

Beautiful CD Album Cover using Digital Products

A customer of mine, Nadia, sent me an email with the most incredible project that she did… an AMAZING CD album. Needless to say I was blown away by her creativity, and the overall beauty of the cover she created. I would love to have something like this storing away all of my precious memories.

Product used are from my Grandma Dresser digital kit.

Hybrid CD Album created by Nadia featuring "Grandma's Dresser" by Sahlin Studio
Hybrid CD Album created by Nadia featuring "Grandma's Dresser" by Sahlin Studio

Hybrid CD Album created by Nadia featuring "Grandma's Dresser" by Sahlin Studio

Hybrid CD Album created by Nadia featuring "Grandma's Dresser" by Sahlin Studio

Hybrid CD Album created by Nadia featuring "Grandma's Dresser" by Sahlin Studio

Hybrid CD Album created by Nadia featuring "Grandma's Dresser" by Sahlin Studio

using digi goodies from, Grandma’s Dresser:
Grandma's Dresser by Sahlin Studio


  • Mojosanti Designs says:

    Wow, what a great thing Nadia did. Is there any chance of her telling step-by-step how she did this? That would be lovely.

  • crapodo84 says:

    oh comme j'en ai de la chance !!! merci beaucoup Krista, je suis très fière que vous ayez choisi comme thème mon projet pour écrire votre article, et j'ai adoré travailler avec votre kit, votre magasin est une véritable source d'inspirations, encore une fois mille merci !!
    ps : check out your mail !

  • crapodo84 says:

    quelle étourdie je suis !! J'ai oublié de me présenter. I'm Nadia (aka crapodo84) thank you so much again Krista.